
About Financial Trajectory
Financial Trajectory is about my path to increasing my personal finance knowledge. Unlike most personal finance blog that gives you advice on how to do things, this blog will record my financial life as I try to take their advice and put it to use. I'm starting out as a 20-something novice and I'm hoping that one day I can give out advice just like the personal finance (PF) pros.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a trajectory is described as:
1: the curve that a body (as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space
2: a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory, for example: an upward career trajectory
I'm more in line with the second definition. I started reading personal finance blogs almost obsessively back in October 2009. I realized I wasn't saving as I should, but I had no clue what my monthly budget looked like. So I searched for the top online budgeting tool. Lo and behold, Mint.com was one of the top contenders. I decided that I liked the way they make it simple and easy to make budgets and joined. That was the start of it all.

Then I started reading the MintLife blog and it opened another world to me. I started searching for other personal finance blogs and came across one that I really like - Wise Bread, "a community of bloggers here to help you live large on a small budget." So join me on my quest for financial independence and security.

About Me
My name is Patti and I'm a twenty-something engineer living outside of Boston, MA. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. I currently work for a Fortune 500 company. I'm not too financially crippled, but I have a huge student loan to pay off before I can breathe freely again. I went into student loan repayment in November 2009.

My current financial goals include contributing to my emergency fund, eventually maxing out my 401(k) and Roth IRA contributions, staying within my monthly budget, and paying off my student loans by July 2015 and my new car loan by May 2016. Whew. That was a lot of goals, but good ones.