
My Dog's Savings Account

Yes, you read it right. My dog, Kujo, has a savings account. I started this account when he was just two months old. After reading about pet insurance I had mixed feelings about sending money to a company for insurance I may never need or wondering if they'll cover certain emergencies. Instead, I decided to open a high-yield savings account online.

Kujo at 8 weeks old.
July 2009
I started the account with $300 and contribute $25 per month to the account. By the time Kujo is 10 years old, he'll have $3000. Even if we never use the money in the account for Kujo's future vet bill, we can always use it for something else or for another dog.

Our boys, Phidan and Kujo. Thanksgiving at Grandma's house.
November 2011
For Kujo's annual vet visits, I budget $200 per year that's paid out of my own pocket. His dog food and toys are also budgeted and paid for by me. Good thing Kujo is a medium-size terrier. He doesn't eat that much and doesn't require a lot of toys to be happy. He's also a mutt, so he'll probably have little, if any, health problems.

What do you for your pets? Do they have their own savings account?


We Got Married!

Chris and I got married on Saturday, June 30th. We decided to make it legal before our Thai wedding ceremony later this month. Overall, it wasn't too bad financially. Here's a cost break down.

A bouquet of purple roses. Love!

  • Marriage license: $30
  • Justice of the Peace: $100
  • Rose bouquet: $50
  • Wedding rings: $180
  • Dress: $10
Total = $370

That's not bad at all. Too bad this wasn't everything. Later in the month we're going to have a Thai wedding ceremony. There will be Thai orchids, Thai food, appetizers, wedding cake, decorations, and servers/helpers to pay. There's also a donation to the monks and the temple - my wedding will be held at my Thai temple. The good news is that my mom will be making the food and cake. The Thai wedding party's outfits, wedding favors and some of the decorations were purchased in Thailand and given to us as a wedding present from my aunt and my dad. 

Chris and I have estimated that it's going to cost us about $2000 for everything my mom hasn't already paid for in advance. My mom has probably spent $500 of her own money. My dad and uncle will also be contributing to the cost of the Thai wedding, probably another $1000-2000. Any funds left over will given to us as a wedding present. I plan on paying my mom back for the money she has spent on the wedding. 

That's about it for now. Once the wedding's done, I'll write another update about the final cost. I told my mom to save all her receipts, but I have a feeling she only saved some of them.